KARACHI: The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) has designated conspicuous experts to go about as autonomous executives on the leading body of the Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited (PSX).
By, Muneer Kamal, who has served as director of the leading group of the previous Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) since 2011-2015, has been reappointed. Other people who are named as free chiefs incorporate Moin M Fudda, Tawfiq Asghar Hussain, Muhammad Naeem, Rahat Kaunain Hassan and Samir Ahmed on the PSX Board. The majority of the said people are profoundly qualified and prepared experts of magnificent notoriety and respectability, having unlimited experience of the monetary and capital markets and the administrative, legitimate and scholarly area.
Muneer Kamal has more than 35 years of broad involvement in saving money and monetary segment including conspicuous positions at the Citibank, Faysal Bank Limited, Union Bank Limited and KASB Bank Limited. He has additionally served as the SECP chosen one executive. Different directorships and workplaces held by him are Chairman-National Bank of Pakistan (NBP), Director-Government Holdings (Private) Limited and Director-Engro Corporation Limited.
Moin M Fudda is the Honorary Consul General of New Zealand for Pakistan since 1990 and has additionally served as Country Director of Center for International Private Enterprise from 2005-2016. He has additionally served as Managing Director-previous KSE for a long time and as Chairman-previous Islamabad Stock Exchange Limited for 2015. Before joining KSE, he was the Country Chief of Commercial Union Insurance and prior Executive Director-Pakistan Insurance Corporation.
Tawfiq Asghar Hussain has more than 37 years of different universal involvement in business and focal managing an account incorporating driving positions in American Express Bank and two terms as Deputy Governor, State Bank of Pakistan (SBP). He was President and CEO of Samba Bank Pakistan From 2008-2013. Right away, he is Secretary General-Pakistan Banks' Association and Director-Pakistan Institute of Corporate Governance.
Muhammad Naeem is a qualified Chartered Accountant by calling following 1967. He is in the blink of an eye on NBP's Board and has served as Vice President and Council individual from Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan and Chairman of previous Lahore Stock Exchange Limited (LSE) as SECP-designated chief.
Rahat Kaunain Hassan has been honing with Hassan Kaunain Nafees, Legal Practitioners and Advisers, as senior accomplice since November 2013 and is likewise establishing accomplice of the firm. Before that, she has served as Chairperson of the Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP) where she was instrumental in foundation of the Office of Fair Trading and slung CCP to get universal praise for unmistakable rivalry law requirement. She has likewise served as General Counsel/Executive Director at the SECP.
Samir Ahmed has more than 30 years of involvement in the money related segment including speculation and business managing an account, capital business sector and monetary regulation. He was Chief Executive-Pakistan Mercantile Exchange Limited, IGI Investment Bank and previous LSE. In the blink of an eye, he is Chief Executive Knightsbridge Capital and part Adjunct Faculty at Lahore University of Management Sciences.
The designated people are relied upon to offer PSX some assistance with achieving great administration alongside assuming careful part in guaranteeing viable requirement of the administrative system and speculator security as a self-administrative association. The arrangements have additionally been made with a perspective to bring differing qualities and collaboration and encourage national level representation on the administering body of the trade.
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