LAHORE: American Consul General Zachary Harkenrider approached Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif on Saturday to talk about matters of common interest, advancement of two-sided relations and improving collaboration in different areas especially the vitality segment.
Talking on the event, Shahbaz Sharif said that the companionship of Pakistan and America depends on multidimensional relations and expanding participation of America in vitality division of Pakistan is admirable. He said that economy of Pakistan is advancing quickly because of which vitality prerequisites are likewise expanding.
Alluding to Pak-America relations, the boss pastor said that Pakistan and America are accomplices of one another in advancing resilience, tolerance and patience and both the nations have normal methodology in such manner. He said that setting up of a general public in view of resilience, control and persistence is our main goal and this incredible target of Quaid-e-Azam will unquestionably be accomplished.
Shahbaz Sharif said, "We are resolved to make Pakistan a welfare state and there is no space for terrorism and fanaticism in Pakistan. The whole country is united for freeing Pakistan of the danger of terrorism and those focusing on guiltless individuals of terrorism are adversary of humankind and merit no mercy."
He said that the terrorists are open foes of the whole humankind, including that individuals of Pakistan have rendered extraordinary penances in the war against terrorism. Shahbaz Sharif said that we profoundly esteem the expanding American collaboration in vitality segment and communicated trust that common relations between both the nations will encourage reinforce in the coming days.
American Consul General Zachary Harkenrider, while welcoming the exceptional execution and untiring endeavors of Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif with respect to finishing wonderful welfare ventures for the general population of the region in a record period, said that Shahbaz Sharif is serving the general population earnestly and, undoubtedly, execution of the boss pastor is praiseworthy. He said that the Punjab government has begun various welfare activities and individuals of the area are profiting from these ventures.
Harkenrider said that Punjab government has advanced straightforwardness in the area and set a brilliant sample by guaranteeing auspicious and legitimate use of assets, whereupon, Shahbaz Sharif merits appreciation.
Bans kite flying: Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif has paid heed to occurrences of kite flying in a few urban communities and looked for a report from the police powers and organization of concerned locale in such manner.
The boss pastor coordinated that the law on banning kite flying ought to be entirely actualized and unpredictable move be made against the violators under the law. He said that infringement of law of restriction on kite flying would not go on without serious consequences at any expense. Shahbaz Sharif coordinated that best treatment offices ought to be given to the six years of age young lady harmed in Gujranwala.
The boss pastor said that in spite of clear headings, occurrences of kite flying are terrible, including that prompt move ought to be made against the persons capable of this carelessness.
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