LONDON: A man was given a two year correctional facility sentence Friday subsequent to turning into the first in England to be indicted keeping his wife "in residential subjugation".
In what the Crown Prosecution Service said was the main instance of its kind in England, London's Woolwich Crown Court heard that Safraz Ahmed, 34, detained and beat his wife after a masterminded marriage in Pakistan.
The repairman from Charlton in southeast London constrained his wife, Sumara Iram, to cook, clean and care for his mom from 5am to midnight consistently after she moved to Britain in 2012.
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He likewise slapped her in the face when she requesting that he perfect their marriage, tossing tins of feline nourishment at her head and covering her face with a pad in different assaults.
Iram, 28, who had a graduate degree in Islamic Studies, was taboo from allowing the house to sit unbothered and took an overdose before inevitably calling the crisis administrations in 2014, the court listened.
Sentencing Ahmed to two years in jail for holding a man in household bondage, Judge Christopher Hehir let him know: "She was tormented and controlled by you, given minimal expenditure and anticipated that would cook, clean and take care of your crew as though she was a skivvy.
"She portrayed your conduct as physical and mental torment and in my judgment, she was correct."
Damaris Lakin, a Crown Prosecution Service legal counselor who took a shot at the trial, said it was a "historic case which exhibits how far we have come in handling cutting edge servitude".
The couple are currently separated.
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