Saudis crack down on foreign workers in bid to Increase job prospects for own people
Saudi Arabia's Ministry of Labor revealed arrangements to limit to Saudis all occupations identified with (HR) and also positions in the offices managing procuring specialists in the private area. The service encouraged specialists and managers in the private segment to participate in the service's basic leadership process by advancing their suppositions and recommendations relating to actualizing its draft choice in such manner. Naif Naytah, general chief of open undertakings at the service, said the service will take a definite choice in such manner in the wake of contemplating the suppositions of managers in the private division. "The service will take correctional measures against any private firms that permit nonnatives to work in these occupations specifically or by implication. Fine adding up to SR20,000 will be slapped on firms that contracts any outsider to work in these fileds and the fines will be multiplied with the quantity of nonnatives enlisted for these occupations. This article initially showed up in the Saudi Gazette on may. 26, 2016..
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