Monday 4 April 2016

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Only Our Army will Save Pakistan, What will be going to Happen in This Month April ? Sheikh Rasheed’s another hot Claim

Sponsored ads Islamabad: Awami Muslim League (AML) Chief Shaikh Rasheed Ahmed has said that Pakistan Army has directed the nation out of emergency and every one of the legislators have experienced childhood in the nursery of military. While taking to media outside parliament house today, AML Chief said that the administration has put off the issue of PIA for an additional three weeks, while we would by no means permit the legislature to privatize PIA. Reacting to an inquiry he said that Pervez Musharraf has gone and before endeavors were made to bring back Benazir from Dubai yet she didn't return. As to cricket group execution in world glass T-20 he said that genuine experience was in the middle of Pakistan and India and Pakistan has lost the match.


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