Showing posts with label paksitan girls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label paksitan girls. Show all posts

Monday 21 March 2016

Leaked video of Punjab University Girl Students

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Punjab University Girl Students Scan-dal Leaked by umar-akmalISLAMABAD - A week ago the understudies of Quaid-i-Azam College close down the grounds over patronisation of an understudy association with radical philosophy by a gathering of employees. Albeit after acknowledgment of requests and family weight to avoid political exercises, the understudies canceled strike three days after the fact and regularity came back to the grounds, yet it exited numerous worried about the grounds environment, once known as a dynamic and liberal establishment. The showing staff and understudies fear the top positioned college will lose its realism soon if the impact of preservationist and universal components keeps on developing. Some trust it as of now has lost it as the offices having lion's share of personnel with such belief system attempt to force sexual orientation isolation. Some additionally attempted to force confinements on understudies living in inns, particularly young ladies, however it met solid resistance. "Indeed, even the advancement cases are chosen partisan premise and the planned competitors who have the same belief system are given special treatment," said an employee on state of obscurity to stay away from any retaliation. The understudies who have sensitivities or slant towards Islami Jamiat Talba (IJT), an understudy wing of Jamaat-i-Islami, are being obliged by various means, charged distinctive understudies while conversing with The Country. Indeed, even educators having alliance with IJT, who even don't meet criteria, have been deputed in different offices and they can't show understudies appropriately, they guaranteed. The understudies are radicalized by such employees or are sent to different territories of Khyber Pakhtunkhawa who thusly begin to detest the grounds environment, said an understudy who has been included in grounds legislative issues and got a look at writing an IJT understudies had. "They are taught that the grounds environment is un-Islamic and common. They trust that it has been transformed into a whorehouse and a clubbing place for consumers and medication clients," he said. After the strike some employees additionally assembled to talk about the progressing circumstance. They concurred that the college organization must take a few measures to stop such components picking up grounds that has been influencing scholastic environment as well as a security risk for all. On the off chance that the college organization does not wake up to the reality of the circumstance, the legislature must come enthusiastically, they saw. A couple of months prior a few educators had additionally composed an unknown letter to officials to prevent this foundation from getting to be another Islamic College of Islamabad and Punjab College of Lahore where IJT delighted in solid hold. A week ago knowledge offices cross examined an understudy of Punjab College fitting in with IJT after an occurrence of savagery in the grounds for having joins with a banned association. Be that as it may, the employees and understudies having sensitivities for the said association see nothing incorrectly in it. Previous Executive Dr Anwar Shaw, why should exchanged transport division by the organization on the objections of understudies for transparently lecturing such belief system said the IJT is not a banned association regardless of the fact that the cases of the understudies are acknowledged. "Really I took some regulatory measures to quit drinking and utilization of medications in lodgings that was not worthy to a hall and medication mafia that is the reason they need my evacuation," he said. "Such fights have happened in the past too among understudies supporting adversary gatherings and belief systems. It's not another thing, the understudies have alliance with this association since 80s," he included. "I instruct the subject of monetary similar frameworks that is an endorsed subject and the adherents of IJT are taught the writing of Maulana Maududi, an Indian-Pakistani Islamic researcher, that is taught all over," he said. "What's wrong in it on the off chance that we show understudies about the Sacred Quran? We are not common nation and this is not a grounds in Germany or America. In the event that you say as much, you are likewise conflicting with the constitution," he included. In any case, the college in its official reaction denied such attestations saying that there is no sign that understudy wing of any religious-political gathering or any fanatic believed is making strides in the college. "The college does not bolster or perceive any understudy bunch in light of religion or ethnicity. Furthermore, an effective system to explore such grievances exists in the grounds." Be that as it may, Pervez Hoodbhoy, who has been connected with the Material science bureaus of QAU since 1973 and demanding for long about the developing impact of moderates in QAU, does not consent to this. Religious radicalisation is being advanced by some QAU employees who conduct private sessions after class hours furthermore lecture in class, he said. "The mission of a few educators is not to instruct their subject but rather to advance their religious belief system," he assist charged. This is greatly unsafe, he said. "One previous QAU employee fitting in with this gathering had been captured for sorting out the Parade Path mosque slaughter in 2009 that had executed around 40 admirers. We know of numerous circumstances of youthful religious executioners who learned at different Pakistani colleges." The impact of the religious gatherings on the grounds is instantly clear today, he said, and has become throughout the years. "When I began instructing at QAU in 1973, the air was open and free. Young ladies could demonstrate their countenances, there was giggling and regularity simply the way it ought to be," he reviewed. "Be that as it may, today a substantial feeling of abuse overpowers the grounds. It has turned into a transgression to demonstrate your face. I see a considerable measure of apprehension and minimal open discourse." In the event that the administration minds then it must rule in the supporters of such logic among the personnel, he focused. "Else QAU will keep making initiates for banned associations that need to make Pakistan a damnation," he cautioned.